Hello all,
I am VERY new to Dynamo. I have created a Dynamo script to create floor plan views. The problem that I’m having is that the floor plan family type is always the same. There are various floor plan types to choose from in my template, but it always uses the same one. I have tried swapping out nodes, but cannot figure out how to have the ability to select a floor plan type and a view template in the same script.
IF i understand your problem correctly then in my opinions it is best to either
Change the Floor Plan Type AFTER the creation of the Views
Or your a more Generic Floor Plan Type and apply
the needed View Template AFTER the creation of the Views.
Question though;
When you create your Floor Plan Views. Lets 10 Views.
How do you do know what View should get which Floor Plan Type or Template?
Changing the type after creation, like @bvs1982 mentioned, is the easy solution. However you can still do this at creation with the API, or use a custom node, like FloorPlanViews.ByLevelAndType
from archilab.
ViewPlan Class (revitapidocs.com)
Thank you for the suggestion. I will give this a try.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I would not create different floor plans at once. If I am creating HVAC duct plans and piping plans, I will run the program twice with the correct templates selected.