Does anyone know how to purge families itselfs (not the project where they are)? I’m trying to, with the dynamo open in the project where the families are, open all the families, purge them and then load them back to the same project
but none of them seams to work with families… sometimes I get “null” others I get
“Warning: Document.Purge operation failed.
Modifying is forbidden because the document has no open transaction”
Hello @mirko.maccarronello, I don’t think there is an answer to this problem yet. @Alban_de_Chasteigner is working on a new version of nodes, and he said he will have a look if he can add a Document input for the node.
The Purge Unused node is expecting a Revit.DB.Document and not a Dynamo Revit.Application.Document.
Use the Rhythm Documents.DynamoDocumentToDbDocument node to perform the required “conversion”.
Hello !
Thanks for the updated Purge Unused node.
I noticed that all the materials assigned to a parameter in my families are gone after the purge.
I understand that if those materials are unused they will be deleted but there are used in Type parameter and so when I load the families back in my project they lose all the materials assignement…
Is this a normal behaviour ?
Are material not considered as used even if they are assigned to a parameter in my types ?
This is not the case in my project purge but this is a problem only with purge in FamilyDocument …
If i recall correctly purge unused nodes in packages generally manually check for use of objects unless they took advantage of the revit api additions in revit 2024 for purge unused (or was it 2025… i forget…). Might be a limitation of the node as it’s not default purge behavior to purge materials used by families loaded in the model, even if unplaced.