How do I create a Revolve from measurements

Than why do I get this error message?

Could you do me a vafor and use the same input I’m using? (lists with X and Z points)
Because I have no idea what is wrong in my script that causes the error.

When I set "ConnectLastToFirst"to 0 (or false) it works!
While in your picture it works with the value set 1 (or true).
That’s strange isn’t it?

Yep, tried with your values and I get the same error message as you… I tried many things but nothing seems to solve it. it only works with smaller coordinates Very surprising once again. what @solamour said is probably the best option, do 180 degrees then mirror .

Curve.SweepAsSolid wants a curve, so just use Polycurve.Curves in between :relaxed:

it works if you work on the XY plane instead of XZ. So you can do that then rotate the solid as well… Really strange behaviour of dynamo geometry here…

might be worth a post on the github repository …

I’ve tested it in all directions and it works:

:flushed: First time for everything…how do I post this on Github??
Remember…newbie here. :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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Okiedo. Thanks.:+1:
I’ll give it a try!

Okay…I have my math problem solved that deals with the different types of foundations.
Now…(and I feel so stupid asking this :flushed:) what are the possibility’s for getting this to show up as a element/object in Revit?
Do I have to “insert” it as a fructural foundation? As a floor? As a mass?
I guess as a structural foundation…but I got no clue on what node to use. They all have different inputs to me.

In the moment it shows up like picture below in Revit.

ImportInstance.ByGeometry or DirectShape

As mentionned by @Yna_Db you could use the OOTB direct shape nodes. But those will tesselate your geometry.

I would highly recommand Spring Nodes package. It has a great collection of clean geometry import nodes .


Well…here’s what I’ve done.
I’ve used the “FamilyInstance.ByGeometry” from the Spring-Package.
And that works just great…however…in a crosssection the concrete cut pattern doesn’t show. It just white…no pattern. In Revit I have to edit the family…select the material and just load it back into the project.
And that I don’t get. The material is filled in correctly into the custom node. But on importing it into Revit it is not handled. Only after editing the family and selecting the material it gets activated. Is this a small bug in the custom node and if so how can I contact the creator of the String-Package to discuss it with him/her? Or am I doing something wrong with the input for the Spring-node?

Dynamo part:

In Revit before edit family:

No material selected when editing the family:

In Revit after edit family:

In order for the material to be associated to the geometry inside the created family, the parameter must exist in the family template. The materials inside your project are not the same as the materials inside the new family! so you can either use the default materials of the family template, or create a new family template with the desired material already inside it. To do so just create an empty family, add the material, save it then change the file extension from .RFA to .RFT .


Indeed. Just done that and that works fine.
Next up: getting the foundation piles in with it.
Hope this can be done with some form of array. But I’ll browse the forum for this first! :wink: