Hi there for anyone who is reading this topic. Really thanks for spending time on this.
To clarify, i am new to Dynamo, who is working on a final year project for sensor data and BIM linkage. I have created a temporary workflow but it seems the workflow cannot run the result i aimed. The major issue i am facing is that the data which gain from the cloud platform showing on the “data response” cannot transfer towards the Reivt model I have created.
May I ask for assistance for the workflow setup since i really dont know what to do for the follow up action. Thank you.
Hard to help without a model and dataset to show the issue unfortunately. Consider sharing them if you can and better showing the specific issues in detail.
Sorry for the late reply as my network went out of services these few days.
I would like to confirm that the meaning of “model” as stated from the latest comment means the Revit Model I have made as well as the “dataset” for the sensors? Thank you.
That doesn’t help much. We can’t see your data source, your script function or where problems are occuring. If you share more information more people may be able to assist you.
By looking at the screenshot you are trying to set one value to an empty list, so nothing would change. Your area appears to get filtered out before that step.
Maybe let’s me state more detail for my final year project (FYP). I have already purchase a sensor, Multisensor 6 (MS6), from AEOTEC. This sensor is supported by the cloud platform, SmartThings, and the below screenshot is the sensor data abstracted from the platform.
Also, I target to abstract some of the data from this cloud platform only, for example, the illuminance shown in the below screenshot. The method I have used for getting assess to the cloud platform is through the URL (the API of the sensor itself) and data request (the API of the authorization though my account) in the script I have formed and shown in first discussion.
The final expected result of the dynamo script is to make the data to be tansferred into the Revit model in visualisation method for my furhter disscusion in the later stage(i.e. with color display of the existing lux).
It sounds like you need to explore the topic more from a technical background and bring specific challenges back to this topic for people to assist in more depth. Research thesis’ are meant to be a challenge to design a solution for generally, so you’ll unlikely get someone designing yours for you in depth here.
At high level I’d suggest thinking what value your data serves in revit from a live sensor - who is looking at this model and how? Is there another platform that can better display this data, maybe Speckle for example, or a forge viewer (more complex). Dynamo also only updates a data source when it runs, so may not be the best approach beyond proof of concept as it’s only as live as when someone ran it. Perfectly fine to use it to show how data can be received and sent to data in objects, but think beyond it for the crux of your research conclusions and focus.
Maybe let me state my existing progress for clarification.
After having the API as shown in the workflow above, the group “data response” did abstract the data in words format, a “watch” node is used for my personal readings only. The direction I would like to continue is or say I would like to do is, I can sort among these data (especially the UV and illuminace) and make this data to be visualized in Revit model, for example like displaying the illuminance data in a set parameter similar to a heat map.
The existing issue is that the data response seems to be not workable since it is not sorted and as well as I really don’t know how to combine it to my temporary Revit model in visualiation of data, say show the illuminace in terms of color within the area in the model. I wonder what should I do (say, using which and what nodes for linkage) for the sorting issue as mentioned and combine the data into the Revit model in temrs visualization. Thank you.
I’ll be honest, it sounds like a question for your research supervisor in first instance. I am aware that nearly all of them these days are woefully equipped to actually help with difficult questions and usually don’t prevent students pursuing overly ambitious topics however.
Anyway regardless of that, if you want to read sensor data from source, it will need to pass through something like a database or via web request. All Excel does is provide a cleaner tabular environment, which your sensor data will still have to get to like in option 1.
Look into room colour schemes or view filters in Revit in order to show colours for spaces and elements. These can be driven by data in objects.
Hey, I would like to know if you managed to figure out a way to visualize your data on your Revit model. I am trying to do a similar task and would like your assistance if you managed to do it. Thank you.