Hide elements and export dwg

Hi, please suggest me the node which can hide the elements ( Input - elements & view) and at output it will given me the view in which selected elements are hidden.
please go through the snap

Project1.rvt (5.3 MB)

I have to hide & export multiple elements so I cant use View.HideElementsTemporary node because of this node I will have to manually click multiple times on " Turn of the Temporary Hide/ Isolate mode in the listed view before exporting"

Hi @vishalghuge2500 could it help if you hide permanently …try these here from archilab…

or something maybe…

I have tried all these nodes and they are not working with Export_Dwg_2023 node.
When we link output of these nodes with Export Dwg 2023 input, don’t know why but output exported CAD file contains all elements (hidden also).
any other Nodes?

Any python script?

You need to commit the transaction after hiding, and then do the export. After that you will need to start a new transaction before unhiding. Use a wait for method to ensure the export finishes before passing the view to the unhide node.


I tried without Unhide elements Node but still I’m getting the same result. (all hidden & Unhidden elements are visible in Exported Cad file.
Could you please check my script
HIDE ELEMENTS2.dyn (16.6 KB)

As noted before, you need to end the transaction after hiding the elements. Otherwise the previous view state will be exported. Search transaction in the library.