That’s why we need calling nodes in disignscript like >SomebodiesNodes,doThis, input a, input b?
That’s why we need calling nodes in disignscript like >SomebodiesNodes,doThis, input a, input b?
Hi guys,
Here is another thread on the original topic (and without the judgemental newbie asking you to “leave the premises”).
Thank you
Those few are implemented as node model nodes. That was necessary so that they can be tied to events and affect the rest of the graph. They can do that because they work on a lower level than ZeroTouch nodes. But in the end all they do is call a second ZT exposed assembly that contains the function that does the actual work.
Luckily, we have the entire source code. I can just take a peek at that, quickly find the right methods and call them from a CBN:
I can’t think of any other solution in our industry that comes anywhere near this level of democratization of functionality
@Dimitar_Venkov, I have been looking for a way to do just this for like 2 years, and you just showed me how it’s done. Any chance you can elaborate on how to trace this back to find the results?
In any case, this post proves that you’re a hero. I will be buying you a cape, because all super heros need capes. Do you have a color preference? Just promise to keep the underwear inside the pants.
Brilliant @Dimitar_Venkov
What took you so long to let this be known
…and why are the nodes not named ElementQueriesOf… instead of All Elements Of…
With this tip, I’ve managed to eliminate the only two wires in a definition I’ve been working on.
Here is an example of a complex Dynamo definition with no nodes (CBN a node?).
For all those who are interested in querying more about internal utilities (“ElementUtils”,“ElementSelector”,“ElementQueries”,“ElementWrapper”…). Here is the link:
Didn’t realize it was such a big issue. Glad you find it useful