Help with Point.ByCartesianCoordinates BUG

Hi Dynamo Forum,

I want to ask for your help with a bug/error I encountered with Point.ByCartesianCoordinates. The error was “Asked to convert non-convertible types.” Whenever I place the lists necessary for the node, it outputs null values even though they were all doubles to begin with. Please see the attached image:

Thank you.



What is the coordinate system you’re providing?

Hi Jacob,

I created a plane normal to a line with a direction to it. Then I placed a coordinate system on the plane as shown in the attached image:

These are the coordinate systems I used for the Point.ByCartesianCoordinates node.

I figured it out. The points you see here are offset points from an alignment produced by Civil 3D (PNEZD) into an Excel file. Somehow, the Excel file returned the cell values into text, and Dynamo read them as string values instead of doubles. What I did in Excel was I created a copy of the same cells and pasted them into values only (w/o formulas or references). By doing this, I noticed that the values were text because a warning message popped up beside the cells. As suggested by the warning message, I converted each cell to numbers. Then in Dynamo, I used the converted values and the node successfully read them as doubles. I am not sure why Excel does this but this is my workaround for the issue I encountered. This is more of an Excel issue though and make sure that numbers should be numbers.