Help running packages and nodes in Dynamo for revit 2019

translated by moderators, original post below

Good morning friends, I have a node to make labels in pipes, however I have not been able to use it in the 2019 version, for this the spring nodes package is used, it generates errors when I run and does not allow me to use it, someone can help me by favor

original post below

Buen dia amigos, tengo un nodo para realizar etiquetas en tuberias, sin embargo no lo he podido usar en la version 2019, para esto se usa el paquete spring nodes, me genera errorres al ejecutar y no me permite usarlo, alguien me puede ayudar por favor

Springs should run in 2019, be sure you have an updated version of the package, and then post an image showing the error you are seeing.

Also, the forum language is English, so please post a translation next time as I did above, otherwise search doesn’t work.