Hatching using Dynamo

Can we write a script in dynamo that would fill in all graded areas at a certain x% slope?

Recently I worked on a project where we had to do a lot of grading. AHJ required us to put erosion control blanket on all graded areas steeper than 1:4 slope. I am wondering if dynamo can be used to hatch all of these graded areas at once? Is that even possible? or is dynamo more of a data extraction tool?

Dynamo could do this

Can you please guide me in a direction where I can find how?

Looks like Camber and Arkance has surface analysis nodes that can be utilized. I’ll try to take a look too when I find time.

sounds good. Thank you so much! I will also look into it further.

and the C3D Toolkit lets you work with hatches !

as in, it lets you identify areas of certain slopes first?

I meant to create the hatches. But sure it can help calculating the slopes. What object type do you have in C3D ? Do you have a simplified sample dwg?

yes I do have a simplified DWG with only the surfaces. i can attach it here?

@WrightEngineering any luck? i do have a simplified surface now, finally.

When I was looking into this I thought of trying to use the Surface.SlopeAnalysis node in camber. I wasn’t sure how to use the node but Zachri provided some guidance here: Camber Feedback Thread - #231 by mzjensen

Perhaps the data can be extracted from the slope analysis as hatches. I just haven’t had a chance to test.

The Arkance Systems Node Library contains nodes to extract triangles from a Tin Surface. The triangles have a Slope or Grade property, so if they are larger than x, you can hatch the triangle (also available in this Node Library).


that sounds like it would work! i will test it out and let you all know. Thank you so much.

Here you go:

Result in:


Here is the Dyn file:

tin large grades.dyn (20.0 KB)

What you can do is colorize the hatches or add text inside with the grade or what you want to do :slight_smile:


@Anton_Huizinga Awesome!!!

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@Anton_Huizinga WOAH! Thanks!

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