Group Points to create Floor

i wana group each group of points to group of points according to the sense (red area), currently the list points it runs out to ramdom, so I cannot create the floor. please give me some


Hi @vacs.thanhhk

Next time you have a topic for the Forum, please give a more descriptive title to it. You current title doesn’t say anything about the topic.

So about the problem you are having. You will need to sort the points based on some logic to get a rectangle order. Could you share your files so people can see what you already tried and help you more accuratly?

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thank @Joelmick answer me !
yes , maybe my english no good , but my problem is sort the points logic to get rectangle order ! plz give me some ideal , thank you so much210419_Floor from beams.dyn (31.9 KB) 210419_Floor from beams.dyn (31.9 KB)