Getting the scale of an importedInstance

Hi, there
I’m working on a project where I need to find the scale of an imported Instance of a .dwg file

I have tried to get the boundingBox of the imported instance, and the boundingBox of the geometry, so I can then divide each other to get the scale.
The problem is that I’m not able to get the geometry of the imported instance

here is the code:

import Autodesk.Revit.DB as DB
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Options

dwg= IN[0]

bbox = dwg.BoundingBox

# Get the dimensions of the imported dwg file 
dx = bbox.MaxPoint.X - bbox.MinPoint.X
dy = bbox.MaxPoint.Y - bbox.MinPoint.Y
dz = bbox.MaxPoint.Z - bbox.MinPoint.Z

// this throughs error: no method matches given arguments by ByGeometry<class revit.elements.importedInstace>
geometry = dwg.Geometry(Options())

bbox_project = geometry.GetBoundingBox()
originalDelta = bbox_project.Max - bbox_project.Min

scale_x = originalDelta.X / dx
scale_y = originalDelta.Y / dy
scale_z = originalDelta.Z / dz

OUT = [scale_x,scale_y,scale_z]

this is so strange because the method “dwg.Geometry(Options())” is in the documentation

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?


Maybe someone else can elaborate on the coding issue.

But I do question your overall method. Assuming you are importing a 2D instance of a cad drawing. I have only done some limited testing and could be mistaken. So hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong. When getting the geometry of a 2D cad drawing, it usually returns the individual items that make up the drawing like lines, curves, polycurves, circles, etc. In that case, you would ultimately end up with a bunch of bounding boxes. If you were to consolidate all items into one geometry and get the bbox of that, I believe you would end up getting the exact same bbox that you are getting from the dwg itself with the line bbox = dwg.BoundingBox.

There is Geometry - an indexable property. Geometry
And there is a function - get Geometry.
Note the [ ] and the ( )
selected = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds()
selected = [doc.GetElement(e) for e in selected]
elem = selected[0]
geo = elem.Geometry[Options()]
getgeo = elem.get_Geometry(Options())

Thanks for the awnser

I have tried but it gives me an error, probably because im getting a geometry from a importInstance

You can see below

Do you know a solution for this problem?