Getting the geometry of Walls and Slabs connection points

Hello all,

I am trying to locate the connection point between two walls, and between walls and slabs. Thereafter, somehow be able to add custom properties to this point.

My question is is there a possibility of doing that? and if yes can someone help mw with ideas of doing that. The attached picture is what I have done so far, which I am not sure makes sense, as I am quite new to dynamo.

@Gijax ,

With Clockwork you can get the location curves and points?

Hi @Gijax

here is an approach how to solve it. Beginning with extracting all points from elements and removing dublicates you can move on to comparing the points with each other to check if they are the same in two elements.

import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

elements = IN[0]

def remove_dublicates(element):
	i = 0
	while(i < len(element) - 1):
		j = i + 1
		while(j < len(element)):
			if element[i].IsAlmostEqualTo(element[j]):
				i -= 1
			j += 1
		i += 1
def find_common_points(element1, element2):
	common_points = []
	i = 0
	while(i < len(element1)):
		j = 0
		while(j < len(element2)):
			if element1[i].IsAlmostEqualTo(element2[j]):
			j += 1 
		i += 1
	return common_points

for element in elements:

output = []

for i in range(len(elements) - 1):
	for j in range(i+1, len(elements)):
		output.append(find_common_points(elements[i], elements[j]))

OUT = output