Hi, is it possible to run interference check on background and get instant feedback
Look into the Bimorph package
Hi, Can you post an example. I’m new user. I wish I get some coloured feedback in the clashed area/ Elements
Please read this it might help:
Also welcome to the forum
I tried creating this much with spring nodes and data exported from interference report to move affected items to diffrent workset but it is not working here. What I did wrong while moving the elements to different Workset
I saw and Add In called ClashMep which instantly gave feedback. I believe it is using the same Interference checking engine
What is the error in “Element.Setparameterbyname”?
Cannot find “Workset.by name” and “Workset .id”
Sorry… It’s from the Archi-lab. net package. Also the Workset.ByName creates a workset, so no need for the Workset.Create node in front of that one, just the workset name.
As stated, you have to use the Workset.Id node. I would also use the Workset.ByName. Both from archi-lab.net.
Getting Same Error
Looks like you’re using the Workset.Name node instead of the Workset.ByName node.