Getting duplicate rooms in schedule

I’ve been using Dynamo to create rooms and room schedules out of an Excel spreadsheet we have from consultants. The project is ongoing and the consultant is continually updating the Excel. I had tested to make sure that running Dynamo would only update existing rooms, and it did. But I found a snag in that.

For some floors, some rooms are numbered with letters (example: on floor 3 there is a room numbered “3000” and another room numbered “3000A”

The problem is that the number only rooms (3000) are coming into Revit as a new room and not updating the existing room. While the rooms with letters (3000A) are only updating the existing room.

Any suggestions? Adding a letter to number only rooms is not ideal because we are using this data to help with facilities maintenance and space planning and would cause confusion.

Excel To Rooms - problem.dyn (120.9 KB)