Get view associated with a Revision

I am trying to find the view that a Revision is associated with, like the sheet number or the specific viewport it is drawn in. There is no way of isolating the viewport number form the Revision.

thank you

I am working on something with revision clouds and just posted a question myself when I saw this! I think the snip below can help, though you can ignore some of the filtering I was doing. Basically I got the revision cloud then filtered for the revision name I wanted then plugged it into the Element.OwnerViewType node to get the View type so I could use the Elements.AllViewsVisibleIn node. I was able to get all views including the dependent views. It does not get the sheets though if you have any revisions placed directly on those (that was my question). Edit: I just reread your post and not sure if this actually helps you, sorry if it doesn’t!

thank you Maggie, it does help. I am curious, what package does Element.OwnerViewType Belong to ?

That node is from Orchid v.

Also check out Element.OwnerView which is also in Orchid. Be careful with that one though because it does not catch dependent views but that might not matter for your situation.

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I have a handful of nodes in my custom package which can help there if you need. They can assess primary/parent views or can exhaust all parent relationships back to the first generation (ancestry is what I dubbed it). I also have a node to exhaust the dependent views if the view is a primary with dependents.


Can I find it on Package manager ?

No the installer is here:

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I found a Solution, the Workset Parameter for the Revision Cloud contains the name of the view in String forms. I used that with a bunch of mask by Boolean to achieve the end result.

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Do you mind sharing your process on the collection of mask booleans that got you to the view name you needed to move on in your workflow. I got the View Workset name but that obviously doesn’t work for a node with an input of “View”

I have done that using string properties

and then using a Boolean mask to filter them out of the views but have to do them individually for each view types

Ok, thanks! I ended up trying out the Orchid node suggestion (Element.OwnerView) and that works extremely well once you get your Revision Cloud output from your FilterByBoolMask.

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An OOTB option (though I don’t have enough information on the warning to advise what view types are problematic).

I feel stupid at the simplicity of this solution…
thanks !!

When I tried using this method, I ma not able to get the Workset parameters value correct. I am getting some numbers in its place.

Hello @mmmh …try this one here from genius loci…