Get the length of intersect

I have an area and a room in Revit.
Area in black, room in blue


I want to get the distance between the two red Xs.

But… as with most stuff it’s not drawn perfectly so it says there’s no intersect for the top X (#1 in a circle)


I want to find x (shown below)

I’m thinking maybe bounding boxes - but I’ll have to make sure it’s all sitting on the XY planes.

Any suggestions?

Seem the BoundingBox will work (at least for this particular example).
Hopefully will work in other scenarios too :slight_smile:

Might want to rotate the geometry to have the primary angle aligned to the X axis before pulling the bounding box to keep consistent geometry measurements.

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Yep, done that… Just got it at a jaunty angle on screen :smiley:

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Gah, take it back. Not a solution in cases like this:


I want it to measure from the bottom X to the red X not the teal X.

Well this got contrived…

I offset the line I wanted the Xs to be on…


then I found the intersects of the room along those lines.
Then I found the start + end of those lines and saw if it intersected with the surface of the room floor…

Then measured the line between whichever two points I got from that lot.

And to think I thought I’d finished 3 hours earlier :rofl:


I wanted red X to red X but am measuring blue X to blue X… Should be near enough for what I want (I hope) :person_facepalming:

I also went down a total dead end with walls and solids… :expressionless: