Get panels in curtain wall

Basicly I want to get a nice list of all the panels (panel families which are windows / doors) of a list of curtain walls I have.

SInce I can’t ??? I tried the other way, selecting families, get their parameter ‘host id’ … which is a wall. Get “Mark” from those walls.
Now comes the tricky part, I want to filter the families based upon the Mark value from the walls.

So curtain wall (Mark “A”) has 3 windows (1m2, 2m2, 3m2)
Selecting all windows gives a list of 3 windows,
getting host id gives wall with id ‘xxxx’.
getting Mark from wall gives ‘A’.
Now I want a list that says A[1m2,2m2,3m2]

And yes obv. there are many curtain walls, many windows. So that’s why I thought the other way around would be MUCH easier … select curtain walls, get elemets, get area. done. …

What am I missing?

List.GroupByKey is one method to achieve this.

Yes list.groupbykey can be used to partly achieve it … but stepping things up: I just need the unique keys from that list.

Just to be sure: is there a way I can list some curtain walls and the result are a list of panel (system or family) within that curtain wall?
OR is it the approach I’m using right now?

check out the Wombat package, there are some good nodes CurtainGrid.ByWall and CurtainGrid.GetPanels with those two you should be able to access the windows.