Get only visible elements in a ajusted dependent view


I’m reading a lot of Posts but I’m not finding what I’m looking for.

I want to get only those elements wich are visible in a specific dependent view. I mean a ajusted view, just a part of the main view.

I was trying with:
“Select.ByCategorieAndView” --> I get all elements (in main view) in this view even hidden or not.
“Collect.elementsinview” --> the same

Please need help…

there is a node in Rhythm Package called “IsHiddenInView”, it could help you


Thank you for the help. But it does not work. The result is for every element false. They are all visible, but some (a lot) are not in the view range. I just want the elements in the view range.

sorry i understood your question wrong, this Node to check if element is hidden ( element hide ) in view.

there is a node in RIE package called “ElementsByView”, this could help you

Try getting the bounding box of the defendant view and see if the elements in the view intersect it.

With ElementsByView I got a Null…

Null List…

Any Idea?

That Idea with the BoundingBox sound nice but don’t now how to make it work:


I tried also the Nodes from bimorph, but they didn’t work either.

Any idea?

Thank you