Get Cross Section Property

I would like to share how to calculate cross section property in dynamo and create a dynamo mesh.

You can used dynamo Package “Cross_Section_Properties_Mohareb”



Hello, I used the Cross.dyn file but encountered some errors, but I am not sure what caused this. Can you give me some advice?
Beam.rfa (7.7 MB)
cross_section_property.dyn (119.9 KB)

It shows that the index is out of range and obtained a null value.

I will test it but now i am not in my office. Once i back I will test.

Thank you for taking your valuable time!

ALL right, When converting Curve_ Convert CurveGroup to PolyCurve The process of ByGroupedCurves requires nesting a layer of lists.

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What is the output of dividing triangular units in the face? I thought “Result_X” and “Result_Y” were the coordinates of the nodes that make up the triangular unit, but sometimes they cannot be divided by 3?

you will find these three files inside the folder bin in the pak. with the same name you use in the dynamo file.Poly has the data of the mesh you need