Get all templates view of models links

Good morning everyone.
I need help… I don’t know where I’m going wrong…

If you input a single document that’ll work (I think). It’s not working because you haven’t set up another loop to work through each document in the list and run the FilteredElementCollector on each.

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Currently you aren’t iterating across each document, which you would need to do in order to collect view templates in that scenario. I’d suggest using a custom node if you can get away with it and using list levels, otherwise you could try something like this…

# Function to ensure input is a list and unwrapped
def uwlist(input):
	result = input if isinstance(input, list) else [input]
	return UnwrapElement(result)

# Make sure the input is a list of documents
docList = uwlist(IN[0])

# Empty list for template lists
templatesList = []

# For each document...
for doc in docList:
	# Get all views
	views = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View)
	# Make a list
	templates = []
	# For each view, if it is a template, add to the list
	for v in views:
		if v.IsTemplate:
	# Add the list to the overall list

# Output to Dynamo
OUT = templatesList

Here is an example of using custom nodes from Crumple to get all view templates for all link instances:

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