Hello all,
I am a new Dynamo user. I’d like to generate a cylinder with a 3d polyline from Civil 3D.
I generate a cylinder in CAD with 3d polyline as a path and a circle along the path. When I just started to learn Dynamo, I thought it would be easy to achieve the same result with Dynamo. Well… If it went well, I would not be here.
I’ve tried two major nodes separately to find the best solution for me, which is Surface.BySweep and Solid.byLoft.
First, With the Surface.BySweep.
The 3d polyline that I want to use as a path is too long for Dynamo to operate Surface(or Solid).BySweep. To resolve that issue, I used PolyCurve.Curves to get a list of curves of the polyline. but the final surface has gaps where the curve bends.I want to have one closed (watertight-mesh-like) pipe.
so I changed the direction of the approach to Solid.ByLoft.
The problem with this node is that I cannot use the polyline from CAD. I have to convert the polyline to a nurbscurve to use it as a guideline for crosssections. That makes the solid has different elevations from the CAD polyline elevations.
Is there a way to get a cylinder in Dynamo that is like the one I get using Civil 3D(AutoCAD)?
I want to make this step scripted for the future workflow .