I’m trying to create a sort of “intelligent” annotation on Revit Legend Components.
I want to add information like “family name” and “type mark” corresponding to the model elements into a Legend View.
To do that, I developed a dynamo script to select a Legend Component and copy data parameters from windows or doors elements to a generic annotation, inserting that annotation below the legend component element.
The problem is that I can’t get new generic annotation instances each time I select a new model element. Instead, dynamo modifies the last created annotation in the same place with data parameters from the new element but ignoring the coordinates from this element.
That is the first problem I try to solve with dynamo’s help.
So any suggestions are welcome!
I’d suggest if you’re making a script to do such a task it’d probably be better to select all legend components in the active view and then create the required annotation object rather than having to go through each object one by one, or even go a step further and find all legend components in views with titles containing “legend” or something similar.
Dynamo player would be the quickest router around this behavior as it doesn’t create element bindings. You could also use the suggestion to do all of them at once and you wouldn’t have that issue.
Thank’s Hamish. It was my first attempt to solve the problem and learning things in the process your advice could be the next step. I’m still learning Dynamo.
My next step would be list all types of windows used in the model to create Legend Components from each one in a Legend View, one step before what you sugest.
There’s a way to do this since Legend Component Category isn’t available?