GenerateFloorplan - OTx fails

GenerateFloorplan - OTx fails in DynamoSandbox - DynamoCoreRuntime2.6.1.

Warning LunchBOX Mass Addition. I saw the also the “!!IMPORTANT-LunchBox has MOVED.txt” (see also fig. 2). But what I’m doing best to resolve this warning (see fig. 1 and fig. 2)?

  1. Install package Lunchbox in some way?
  2. Copy code in Python node (code see fig. 3) ?
  3. Build around the Lunchbox package?

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Source data:
nth permutation.DYF (13.0 KB)
DYNCORE2.6.1.8786_GenerateFloorPlan -OTx.dyn (252.9 KB)
Simple.xlsx (22.2 KB)

Thanks in advance!

Hello @j.boonen - Here is the Lunchbox Mass Addition node that should resolve this error :slight_smile:

LunchBox Mass Addition.dyf (3.2 KB)


For those who want to avoid having to rely on distributing a deprecated package, this line of design script should provide the desired result:


@jacob.small @solamour

Thanks problem 1 solved (see fig. 1)!
However problem 2 is there, warning = Dictionary.ValueatKey (see fig. 2).
Is it the 0 result of node "Tool.RunMe? Or maybe string “SpaceLocation” ?

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Do you have a solutions for this?

Thanks in advance!

Some background; This graph was written for what I think was the first publicly accessible beta version of Project Refinery, but at worst was the 2nd. That application is now known as Generative Design. As such some of what you see will have a discontinuity with the current method - this is one such case: The Tool.RunMe method used here was a precursor to the Data.Gate node.

Basically the intent is that a true/false Boolean will trigger the dictionary being passed, or a null object being passed. Replacing it with a Data.Gate would be preferable in the current state. That said, i don’t think the Tool.RunMe was intended to pass a 0 at any point, so you may have an error upstream in the graph. Can you send a screenshot of the two nodes proceeding this?


@jacob.small @solamour
Thanks for the background!
Below the requested screenshots (fig. 1 and fig. 2).

Fig. 1 (after Tool.RunMe node)

Fig. 2 (before Tool.RunMe node)

Do you need more information?

Thanks in advance.

What happens if you flip the boolean from glade to true?

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@jacob.small thanks!

Another step further (see fig. 1).
Unfortunately another warning (see fig. 2).
Does the node “View.Plane” no longer exist (see fig. 2)?

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Thanks in advance!

They all definitely exist, but are behind your gate. Open in Dynamo for Revit with clockwork and other noted packages installed. No access to the Revit API in Sandbox.

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Thanks for the tip.
We are almost there.
Just 2 more warnings see fig. 1 and fig. 2.
This in the nodes “List.GetItemAtIndex” and “Geometry.DistanceTo”.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

FYI, I made the follow minor adjustments for less warning in Dynamo for Revit (see fig. 3 and fig. 4).

Fig. 3 (add DSCore.)

Fig. 4 (add dyf file “nth permutation” under C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2021\Dynamo\2.6\definitions

Do you have a solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

Not offhand. You’re not showing enough of the proceeding data for me to know what is wrong.


I’m trying to make it a bit clearer:

Fig. 1 (overview)

Fig. 2 (indicator 1)

Fig. 3 (indicator 2)

Fig. 4 (indicator 3)

Source data:
DYNRVT2.6.1.8850_GenerateFloorPlan -OTx.dyn (264.3 KB)

Can we continue with this?

Thanks in advance.

Put a watch node on the output for spaces, and see if the reason for your error makes more sense.


For some obscure reason I only get 5 surfaces as output from “Spaces” (see also fig. 1).
I have a suspicion that it is the “Spacelocation”, but not entirely sure (see fig. 2).

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Thanks in advance.

Yeah, this appears to be broken upstream somewhere. Best to reverse engineer the content from start to finish, watching your item counts and list structure to ID where things go sideways.

I’m off for the long weekend with no plans on booting up the work laptop until Tuesday, and that is a compacted timeline work week (where you get the holiday, but still have the usual 40-50 hours of work to do) so I may not have time to dig into this until the week of the 22nd.


Thanks for the help!
If I get it resolved I will post it below of course.