i got a dynamo script for finding PVI as specific chainage. its not working.
anyone can help
# Import necessary libraries
import clr
import Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices as CivilApp
import Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices as CivilDb
import Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices as AcadApp
import Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime as ACRuntime
# Load Civil 3D and AutoCAD assemblies
# Function to get PVI from a specific station range
def get_pvi_in_station_range(alignment_name, start_station, end_station):
# Get the Autodesk AutoCAD application object
acad_app = AcadApp.Application.GetApplication()
# Get the Civil 3D application object
civil_app = CivilApp.CivilApplicationManager.ActiveApplication
# Get the Civil 3D document
doc = acad_app.ActiveDocument
database = doc.Database
# Get the alignment object by name
alignment = None
for align in CivilDb.Alignment.GetAlignmentCollection(database):
if align.Name == alignment_name:
alignment = align
if not alignment:
raise ValueError(f"Alignment '{alignment_name}' not found.")
# Get the profile associated with the alignment
profile = alignment.Profiles[0] # Assuming the first profile, adjust as necessary
# Create a collection to store PVIs
pvi_points = []
# Iterate through the profile's vertical curve data
for pvi in profile.PVIs:
station = pvi.Station
# Check if the station is within the given range
if start_station <= station <= end_station:
pvi_points.append((station, pvi.Elevation))
return pvi_points
# Input data from Dynamo
alignment_name = IN[0] # Alignment name from input
start_station = IN[1] # Start station from input
end_station = IN[2] # End station from input
# Call the function to get PVIs
pvi_points = get_pvi_in_station_range(alignment_name, start_station, end_station)
# Output the results
OUT = pvi_points