Floor Slab Outlines - Query Wall Constraints

I had a quick look around google and similar topics, but I couldn’t find anything in a reasonable amount of time.

I am re-building a structural model and looking for a way to check which slabs have been drawn with the wall-constraints command, and also to group those associated walls with that slab in dynamo.

Here’s what I don’t know how to do:

  1. Collect sketch and test if the sketch line is associated with a wall.
  2. Get the wall associated with the sketch line.

Any help is appreciated…and unfortunately, I have zero python skills, aside from copy-pasting code between the dynamo forum and the script node.


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Awfully quiet in here. Are the Dynamo-gods still among us?

I am a god, can you post a “sacrificial lamb” like a script or some screenshot :slight_smile:


I don’t, because there isn’t any sort of node (that i am aware of) to check if walls have been used as a constraint in the slab sketch mode. This is like the “pick-line” option when sketching.

Thats the only idea that i have, make “constrains” visible. Maybe there is a API-Comment too!

There is a ConstrainedToWall Property, but it is part of the BuiltInFailures Class. I couldn’t begin to speculate how / if this might be leveraged to find constraints.

There are also some interesting looking methods under the Sketch Class.

Maybe this underlying relationship can’t be “exposed” by the API?

Again, I cannot (unfortunately) write scripts or code.

The gods have fallen silent again… :cut_of_meat: