Hi everyone,
could anyone tell me which package have the custom node “Element.Filter.ByParameterExists”?
Thank you very much
Clockwork package.
Thank you, Kulkul. But I cannot find this node in Clockwork package.
Clockwork has similar node called “Element.ParameterExists” node. I thought your asking about that. From where did you find that node?
I already check your mentioned node but it does not work.
The node that I mentioned was seen in this post:
Anytime you need to know what package a node is from. try downloading package WhatTheNode.
Essentially you type in the node name as a search string and get results of the likely package.
Although, I think someone may have renamed that node or something. It doesn’t exist in the top packages. Clockwork is the better node to utilize.
@john_pierson I guess “WhatTheNode” will work if the package is installed. @Hoc_Em doesn’t have the package installed so he is asking which package have the custom node “Element.Filter.ByParameterExists”?
@Hoc_Em @john_pierson is right you can use the clockwork package.
It is easier than playing the guessing game
I have tried “Element.ParameterExists” to filter element (beam) that have parameter b (width) but it always provides results of “false”.
DEMO.dyn (3.2 KB)
Before using Parameter.Exist you need to use element.type node since the parameter b is exist in type parameter.
@Hoc_Em @john_pierson Got the information of the custom node:
And here is the python:
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
items = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
param = IN[1]
passed = list()
failed = list()
for item in items:
flag = True
for p in item.Parameters:
if p.Definition.Name == param:
flag = False
if flag == True:
OUT = list()
@Kulkul, Thank you very much for your support. I got it!