Find index and use it to set parameter

Hi there,

I would like to retrieve all indexes of the “true” or “0” values as seen in the picture. When I retrieved those indexes I would like to use the indexes to set the parameters of the walls to a new parameter.

Anyone got any ideas?

Welcome - I typically use Clockwork’s List.ReplaceItemAtIndex+ (the plus version allows multiple)

I also use List.AllIndiciesOf when looking for trues

I think you dont need to retrieve those indices, try this:

[2019-11-26] Dynamo Forum Post dylanUZJPA.dyn (18.8 KB)

PS: You can use the node “AllIindicesof” with a boolmask as second input to get all the indices of the true values.


Thank you for your reply, actually I need the indexes of the true’s so I can use them to then set the corresponding wall type parameter to a new wall type

Hi Adam, I thought about using that as well except if I try it it either returns Empy List or -1. Do you know why?

You need to use list levels. IndexOf is looking at each item within your supplied list - which are sublists. It’s telling you that none of the sublists are equal to true.


Yeah just like Nick said, use lists levels, your node is now looking at the wrong list level.
You can change list levels with the small “>” on every node.


in a piece of data there are levels, for each sublist there creates another level. you want to run the node on a specific level while retaining the structure of the list.