Filter by Bool Mask

Is there a way to use the List.ByFilterByBoolMask in the Code Block.

I am able to put it in, but unable to figure out a way to separately extract the filtered in and out results.



Vikram Subbaiah

Multiple output nodes actually return dictionaries. You can pull a specific output by supplying the name of the output as the dictionary key. For example:

codeblock multiout


Thanks Stephen!

Hi Stephen
i tried to replicate you code block, however i have an error of multiple definition found…? not sure how to fix that?

@Batman86 On the third line, filtered not filter

lst = 0..3;
mask = {true,false,true,false};
filtered = List.FilterByBoolMask(lst,mask);
x = filtered["in"];
y = filtered["out"];
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Also if you have the package installed you need to use DSCore.List to avoid confuision with Archilab.List

lst = 0..3;
mask = {true,false,true,false};
filtered = DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask(lst,mask);
x = filtered["in"];
y = filtered["out"];

Awesome thanks Einar and Vikram, that made it work perfectly.

Cheer Michael

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Just to add in to this conversation, using the Dictionary output like so only works on flat lists. If you wish to call on multi-ranked lists you’ll need to use the same method that Node2Code gives you.

As a side note, you can also directly call the output if you don’t care about the alternative like so:

lst = 0..10;
mask = Flatten(DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem({true,false},Count(lst)/2));
filter = DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask(lst,mask)["in"];