I’ve been trying to troubleshoot a script and have identified the ‘FamilyInstance.ByPoint’ built-in node as the problem.
To prove what I’d been seeing, I created a basic script to test things and have managed to replicate the issues that I’m having.
If I use the node to create a new family instance, then it works just fine. However, when I then move the new instance of the family to another position and then re-run the script, in theory creating a new instance, then rather than creating another instance of the family, it moves the first one back to the original point…
The same thing happens using the ‘FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel’ built-in node and also through a code block using FamilyInstance.ByCoordiantes and .ByPoint, presumably, as they replicate the nodes?
I guess you already found out that if you cancel some nodes and position them again ( or even close and re-open the script) it should work as you wish.