FamilyInstance.ByPoint error

Hi, i have a problem. FamilyInstance.ByPoint node change the point of first element. Is it posible to fix it? Thank you in advance for your help

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@PrPr ,

did you try flatten

Hi, flatten before which node?

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@PrPr ,

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Nothing is change except…

width of few elements are not update

I don’t know how “flatten” could fix it? It looks like the node “FamilyInstance” change points.

hello, have you checked the point of your family if it is in the center of your family.


I think family is ok. Only some points are different after placed in model:

Have you tried to place only one at the weird point

Are there variations on the properties of the 2 instances?


My dynamo looks like on the picture (i put it on weetransfer because the size of image is too big):

You can see the wrong points coordinations…
I tried to place only one/two elements and they points are ok:

Weird, your coordinates of the 1st element are systematically doubled


or reverse the value from “+” to “-”

Is it possible that some packages or add-in make the error?

Ok i try to do it by your way. Now Elements are placing in all points but… i have a problem with lists. Element in lists from node “Bimorph - element intersection result” and “geometry intersect” are different. Because of that the opening are in different places than my pipes. I get wrong dimmension and rotation… Is there any node to fix that?

Image with results (again too big for put here)