Family.DocumentAddParameter -> Sub-Transaction Error

Hello erfajo,

i used your Nodes a lot already, thanks for that.
I have again a problem with adding the shared parameters.
I added now a Interface and get the following error: “A sub-transaction can only be active in inside an open Transaction”. I already tried to add the “Passthrough” node from Clockwork after the Background open or on the other input nodes of your add parameter node… Same error.
What can i do? When i freeze the node and unfreeze it again after the inputs it works fine.

Thanks already for your help :slight_smile:


my last try was now to add the Transaction.end node before the inputs of the AddSharedParameter Node.

This worked for me but i still dont know why it doesnt work without that,

Anyway i created a dummy file for your testing if you want to figure out the problem.
I use Dynamo 2.0.0 with Data-Shapes and of course Orchid Package 0.0.1 :slight_smile:
Revit Version 2017.2.

The Files i uploaded to Wetransfer. Just 3 empty families, a dummy shared parameter txt and the dyn file.

thanks and best regards gerhard

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Hi, I’d like to follow this up with another fold to the solution. I found the same sub-transit action error when using the Parameter.Associate Node in a longer definition. The solution was two fold, I had to add the DataStream.Await so the family document followed after the element selection. I also had to add a transaction.End between the family document and the parameter.associate node. These forums were super helpful for figuring it out, so wanted to add to the collective knowledge.