Extracting family type parameter


I’m struggling with extracting a family type parameter in dynamo.
I would like to write a script that calculates the perimeter of my room - the width of my doors.

Therefore, I’m trying to extract the family type parameter “width” from my doors in revit to dynamo.
The problem is that when I extract all my parameters from my doors, width is not in the list.

Am I using the wrong nodes to extract this parameter?
Here you can find an image and my dynamoscript.

lm plinten.dyn (34.6 KB)

Could you help me please?

@T30en ,

look …

Hi Draxl,

Thank you for your response.
But it doesn’t work, the valuas are always null…

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Use the one from Rhythm.

…or like @erfajo pointed out.

You need the actual Family Type and not the placed instances of that type.


@erfajo ,@bvs1982,

Thank you very much!
It worked using Elements.Type :slight_smile:

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