Export and import lines

i have written a list of lines to a csv file and now try to read them again

it looks like i get the data in… but it is in text format.
splitting it and putting it all together will be a big pain in the @$$.

need something like string.to.line node or a different way to export.

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Instead of exporting the lines as strings (what you have done here), export the X, Y, and Z values of the start and end points. This will keep the tolerance reasonably as well. From there you can import the CSV, and create a points and lines rather readily.

Something like this would be good for the export:

‘lines = IN;
pnts = Curve.PointAtParameter(lines@L1<1>,[0,1];
xyzSets = [pnts.X, pnts.Y, pnts.Z]

And something like this for the import:

xyzs = IN;
pnts = Point.ByCoordinates(xyzs[0],xyzs[1],xyzs[2]));
lines = Line.ByBestFitThoughPOints(pnts);
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