Hi, could you explain how generative design works? When do we use Data.remember? Is it an iterative operation or something else? Thank you.
Hi! It basically turns your graph either in a brute force state (if you use the cross product solver for example and just test a variety of inputs) or into a genetic algorithm. Data.Remember node is used to store data that would be later on iterated. However, you would not need to worry about it too much as newer versions of Dynamo are telling you where to put the data.remember node themselves. This is all, of course, quite vague explanation. You could find more information on the Generative Design primer:
I highly suggest checking it out. There are nice examples as well and it’s fun to read There are also step by step YouTube tutorials as well
Thank you,
What specific data do I need to use in remember.data?
Generative Design runs in a headless “sandbox” version. It doesn’t have access to any of the external APIs or references. Anything that uses a Revit, C3D, Formit, or other external API or that references something like an XLS, CSV, or even TXT file would not be available to GD. This is the data that you cache in the Data.Remember
node (in a form that GD would be able to utilize).
It’s all in the Primer. That’s the best place to get your questions answered.
Technically Dynamo can read all of those formats in a GD context without issue. The question is a matter of speed. In many (not all) cases it is faster to serialize the data into the .dyn than it is to open the external tooling - avoiding the excel interop api is advisable in all cases though.