Excel to Revit Key Schedule Help


Yes, you would have to do this manually. Why? Ask Autodesk developers if/when this functionality will be exposed in Revit API. Until then, yes, this is a manual process. Also, have you even read this?:

I am pretty sure I have already explained this part in detail.

Why am I sensing a ton of attitude here? IT IS A FREE TOOL. you don’t have to use it. Please feel free to not use it.


couple of things:

  1. please don’t read in your headers: Key Name, NUM and BODY which is that first list item from your excel document. It’s not needed. and as a matter of fact it kills everything.

  2. Your first item in each sublist should be a Key Name which I am pretty sure should start at 1 and then go to 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Please read the following:

Please notice how when you add all these new rows to key schedule they all have key name value assigned automatically and its usually a series of numbers starting at 1. You kind of have to match that in your excel spreadsheet while I am seeing in your image that you have 9 on the first list, then 10, then 15 then 15 again. It’s whats confusing the crap out of the node here.


Thank you,