Errors with Creating Script for Placing Void at pipe & slab intersect (linked model)

Hi All,

I have been scrolling through and trying to figure this out all morning, and have been a bit stone-walled so have logged in to put a post up. I am new to this, so any and all advice would be great.

so far, it looks like this:

the Element.IntersectsElement error is that there are anomlymous elements from a linked revit model

the other is saying that there are illegal file paths

Thanks in advance!
Chris Mc.

The FilterByBoolMask node is giving an error about illegal file paths? That doesn’t make sense, but it looks like you’re not feeding it booleans. It also looks like you filter the list of elements once and then try to filter them again but with the original list. This will mean you have mismatched lists. You’ll want to filter the already filtered list of elements so that everything matches.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for getting back to me… I’m sorry but I don’t quite get what you mean?


Which part?

The mismatched lists part? I think i’ve fixed the file path issue, but i’m getting ‘specified cast is not valid’ instead:

Where? It’s hard to guess at what’s happening without seeing the node data. Can you post a screenshot with the node preview bubbles pinned or with Watch nodes?

Originally you had two FilterByBoolMask nodes. The second one was filtering the original element list, after those elements had already been filtered for use with the second BoolMask. This would mean that your boolean list would not match your element list since the former was filtered already and the latter was not.

Hi Nick,

You are absolutely right, I don’t know why that was there… I don’t even remember doubling up and just went blind to it… that has completely fixed the previous issues.

However, it is only returning 55 intersects, which isn’t close to the figure i was looking for… could you point me in the right direction of what I need to do/where I can go to get what I’m trying to do? (get all intersects between the structural slabs and our drainage, and place a family)

Many Thanks,


Sorry, where I can go to learn more about what I’m trying to do. I’m very much wanting to learn how to do it, but struggling to find what I’m looking for!


The output is an IntersectionResults object, not the actual intersections, so I’m guessing 55 results for 55 elements. The results should then have all the specific intersections for that item, but I’m not that familiar with those Orchid nodes enough to tell you how to get them - I’m sure there’s a node somewhere.

The best way to learn is just to dive in head first and try. Keep using the forum for learning and asking questions when you get stuck, be sure to work all the way through the Dynamo Primer if you haven’t, and just generally guess, fail, and learn. It’s all a process.

You can always use the ootb intersection nodes as an alternative. They’re not as efficient as Orchid but they may be easier to use and understand what they’re doing.

Hi @ChrisMc …that node looks more as bimorph and there should be some nodes for get objects from result…ps are you in the latest bimorph version…

I would try get the location line from pipes and intersect with walls solid…then you have the curve segment there intersect…and then use point at parameter at 0,5…you can use as insert point

Hi Nick,

cheers, what is ootb sorry? and no I haven’t worked through Dynamo Primer, but I will do!

Hi Sovitek,

yes it is bimorph sorry, and I think thats the one I had to use an older version as it was warning of a clash with the revit version otherwise…

thanks for the idea on the first picture, but you completely lost me on the second sorry, could you break that down/expand a bit more on that one?

Many thanks both,
Chris Mc.

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OOTB just means Out Of The Box - the default nodes that come with Dynamo. And as @sovitek pointed out, these are bimorph nodes, not Orchid like I mistakenly said.

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Hi @ChrisMc …just mean something here… EDIT see now wrong image :wink:

Hi Sovitek,

Thank you, i’ll look into this and try and get my head round it :slight_smile:


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