Error Occurred : By using 'Form.ByGeometry' in the 'Spring Nodes package

By using ‘Form.ByGeometry’ in the ‘Spring Nodes package’, the solid was converted to a Revit Element. As shown in the attached image, you can see that the element is created at a different scale.
It is implemented well in ‘Revit 2020ver.’, but in ‘Revit 2022ver.’, in relation to the implementation in other scales, I would like to ask what kind of solution there is to use
it smoothly in Revit 2022. The version of Spring Nodes in Revit 2020 is 204.1.0, and the version of Spring Nodes in Revit 2022 is 210.1.1.
Ladder.dyn (128.7 KB)

@GGG , hi

Are you in a family enviroment?



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This post may help you conceptualize a solution: Revit 2022 ByGeometry - #4 by jacob.small

I am operated in family document(.rfa)