I get the the right rotation (sort of), but the Marker is facing the wrong way.
Any idea how to fix that? @Paul_Wintour can you help me with this maybe?
The circled angles would be the correct ones, but i can’t find the logic
for the angle y+x or y-x, x being the angle from the Scope Box and
y being a multiple of 30(?).
In this case it would be 180+135, 180-150, 270-165.
As previously mentioned: “The solution is not to use enable index 0 of the elevation marker for all views, but rather to calculate the one which requires the least rotation (positive or negative). This way the rotation angle is at most -90 to +90 degress.”
So for example, if you require 105 degrees rotation, it should actually be 15 degrees rotation but index 1 elevation marker enabled.
Where in the graph are you referring too by this?
What do you mean by this?
This doesn’t seem the case?
In the Math.Round node you see the angels of the Scope Box i want to ‘Align’ the Elevations too and on the right the angles which gives me the correct alignment.
In my case it is never +90 or -90 degrees!?.
Elevation markers do not like to be rotated beyond 90 degrees in either location. They tend to flip orientation if rotated too far. If your design requires a rotation greater than this, you need to change your logic.
In the example below, if you require a 144 deg rotation, you don’t enable elevation marker 0 and rotate 144 deg. You should enable elevation marker 1 and rotate 54 deg (or better yet index 2 and -36 deg). This will prevent the elevations flipping.
To do this you need to find the closest elevation marker index. This is what I am doing here. The initial code block is just for demo purposes. You’ll need to replace this with your rotation values.