Hello - I used the python script to export Revit schedules automatically and until Revit 2020, the .txt files were encoded in UTF-16LE. In Revit 2021 and Revit 2022, the same tool is exporting as .txt files in the UTF-8 BOM version. How can I revert this back to UTF-16LE or just UTF-8 encoding? So that my excel macros can import it properly.
Below is the current Python script. I use to export the Revit schedules in txt files.
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
schedule_list = IN[0]
path = IN[1]
filename_list= IN[2]
for index, sched in enumerate(schedule_list):
schedule = UnwrapElement(sched)
filename = filename_list[index]
export_options = ViewScheduleExportOptions()
schedule.Export(path, filename, export_options)
result_list.append("Schedule exported")
except: result_list.append("Export Failed")
OUT = result_list
try this conversion
import clr
import sys
import System
from System.IO import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import codecs
import shutil
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
schedule_list = IN[0]
path = IN[1]
filename_list= IN[2]
for index, sched in enumerate(schedule_list):
schedule = UnwrapElement(sched)
filename = filename_list[index]
export_options = ViewScheduleExportOptions()
schedule.Export(path, filename, export_options)
# conversion
with codecs.open(path + '\\' + filename, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as input_file:
with codecs.open(path + '\\out_utf16_' + filename, "w", encoding="utf-16") as output_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(input_file, output_file)
result_list.append(path + '\\out_utf16_' + filename)
OUT = result_list
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Iām sorry it did work. Can the script automatically delete the original .txt files with UTF-8 BOM in the folder?
import clr
import sys
import System
from System.IO import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import codecs
import shutil
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
schedule_list = IN[0]
path = IN[1]
filename_list= IN[2]
for index, sched in enumerate(schedule_list):
schedule = UnwrapElement(sched)
filename = filename_list[index]
export_options = ViewScheduleExportOptions()
schedule.Export(path, filename, export_options)
# conversion
with codecs.open(path + '\\' + filename, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as input_file:
with codecs.open(path + '\\out_utf16_' + filename, "w", encoding="utf-16") as output_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(input_file, output_file)
result_list.append(path + '\\out_utf16_' + filename)
# Delete old
System.IO.File.Delete(path + '\\' + filename)
OUT = result_list
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