Dynamo Not showing nodes

Hi everyone,

I know this has been discussed many times, but I haven’t found a solution to this.
I am using Revit 2022.1 and Dynamo Core and dynamo Revit

I have no nodes, only wires, and I have moved every single Addin out of the addin folder so there are no addins running in this version of Revit.
Is there anything else it could be other than an Addin?
I cannot click on any of the tabs nor can I even maximize the program… I have very little response from the app.

Many add-ins use another folder, so that won’t necessarily do the trick. Check your Revit journal for ‘vendor’ - those lines should give you a sense of what is still installed.

Also try renaming your Dynamo package folder(s) so that you aren’t loading any view extensions or packages.