Dynamo Nodes count

Is there a way to get the count of nodes used on the canvas?

Yes. You can open the *.dyn file in a text editor and use “find” to count the number of “guid=” strings. I suggest notepad++

But could one do that with dynamo?

I think so - File.Read and some string nodes. You would have to manually path the location of the .DYN though.

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Is this still the only way to count nodes in a given graph or is there a button somewhere in the newer versions?

It’s definitely possible but I’m not sure if Python can do it. Dynamo API should give access to this, I believe the Monocle package uses a lot of this to look at nodes and what’s going on generally in Dynamo itself.

There’s a full list of references on fuget, but couldn’t get a list of node names to work in Python. Might be worth reaching out to John (author of Monocle) for leads here:


If you are in Dynamo for Revit, you can do it right in Python by referencing the DynamoRevitModel:
(Note: other Dynamo supported tools have access to this too, but I don’t work in those as often, so yeah)


Python Script (CPython3)

# $ignore$ - this enables the node to ignore itself in the counts.

# Importing Reference Modules
# CLR ( Common Language Runtime Module )
import clr
# Adding the DynamoRevitDS.dll module to work with the Dynamo API
import Dynamo 
from collections import defaultdict

# access to the current Dynamo instance and workspace
dynamoRevit = Dynamo.Applications.DynamoRevit()
currentWorkspace = dynamoRevit.RevitDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace

usedNodes = []
thisNode = []

for i in currentWorkspace.Nodes:
    # if the node has ignore in the name, don't add to counts
    if "ignore" not in i.Name:
        if "Python" in i.GetType().ToString():
            # if a python script has ignore in the heading, don't add to counts
            if "$ignore$" in i.Script:
                #don't add to the list because that is this node
                thisNode = i
# grouped by node type
groups = defaultdict(list)

for node in usedNodes:

groupedByType = groups.values()

# get the data
OUT = len(usedNodes), usedNodes, groupedByType

Dynamo Graph

dynamoAPIWithPython.dyn (13.4 KB)

Graph Node Manager (Dynamo 2.15+)

The latest version(s) of Dynamo Core (2.15) have the Graph node manager, which allows export to excel, where you can do more finite node counts.



I will definitely consider adding this as a tool. I added this as a feature request here.