
Interface and node

  1.  Copy node with hold key «Ctrl» (analogue Revit)
  2.  Additional custom panel with often nodes
  3.  3D View position cube (analogue Revit) into 3D viewport Dynamo
  4.  Node Watch with resize window and the ability to copy from it

Python script

  1.  Not close after pressing Apply
  2.  Checking and highlighting the basic commands typos while typing (for example, are often mistaken in UnwrapElelemnt)
  3.  Reduce command UnwrapElement example to UE, and even better to do it automatically the default
  4.  Create a list of the most popular libraries that were connected to a simple command like “<strong>all dll”</strong> (by analogy with the import clr) (include RevitNodes, RevitAPI, ProtoGeometry, RevitServices and other)


import all dll


This command include code:

import clr
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.ExternalService import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.ExtensibleStorage import *
from System.Collections.Generic import *
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from System.Collections.Generic import *
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

It is the most frequent library use and I tired of their copy of the script to the script

please fix top this post

thank you

1 - ctrl + c and ctrl + V work perfectly fine for me

2- You can type the first few letters and then it reduces the list of nodes for you.

3 - I havent had any issues yet with the 3d view in dynamo, and has worked fairly fine for me in the 3d space.

4 - What do you mean copy from it? copy the node or copy elements from it? i dont think copying of elements is a good thing and should be kept to using a node for copying of elements.


1 - This would be good or rewording the button to “save and close”?

2 - For checking of python code you could use visual basics or notepad+++ to do simple checks

3 - i disagree that it should be reduced because then what if you want to use ue or other abbreviation in part of your code? also unwrapping is not always required, i have used python a few times in dynamo and not had to use the unwrap feature yet.

4- I disagree with the all dll thing because where do you draw the line because python code in dynamo can be used for autocad/robot/3dsmax/etc/etc, so a all is very bad as you do not always require all of the dlls everytime. Dont forget python language is not created by the dynamo team so they havent got control over the python standard/structure.


automatic regeneration Python script each time you press the RUN

especially if the state does not change at the input or not input

  • the ability to group and ungroup fragment code (wrap and unwrap)

  • the ability of comments highlighted a block of code, and also to cancel

  • multi windows Dynamo, and the ability to copy nodes between windows (You can run only the active windows script) … (now it is only for custom node)

  • rename inputs (name) python script node

  • the ability to enable and disable nodes
    (not to be confused with a preview)

Dear developers have needed something to do with the crash when opening large scripts !!

I looked at version Dynamo 1.0.0
Some wish have already been implemented
thanks to the developers!
but I hope that they will see the other wishes

Hello, dears!

  1. Make Dynamo running as separate process to be able to kill dynamo process when dynamo crashes without reopening revit.
  2. Make break button to break from accidentally looped cycles. Now we should kill revit process to restart the revit and dynamo (and reopen the project).


  1. with one click inset into Dynamo text that will contain: Revit version, dynamo version and list all plugins with versions…so when we open script we can see what users had installed

  2. Dynamo separate process

3 . Ability to enable/disable components

4.components wait time ie. 2 sec before next actions starts


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script computation time? next to the “run completed” notice

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