Good evening I need to numbering and list the wall layers on a legend (or schedule) in revit without unjoin the wall in multiple components.
I got the list in dynamo and I’m trying to write this list in a multiple line parameter in the wall. Can anyone help me.
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Do you want all those parameters combined into one parameter? If so you can use String from Array.
P.S. You should get Dynamo V1.3, which has a list level function built into all the nodes.Then you won’t need to use List.Map.
I think you can finish it with String.Join and Element.SetParameterByBame
Thank you very much it work with string from Array and Element.SetParameterByName.
Another question. I get the correct list using a system material parameter but If I get a custom material parameter i have a blank list as result. Where is the error?
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Please start a new topic for a new question.