Dynamo Graph not Running, Outdated Python Engine - System.IO.FileLoadException (?)

Revit 2022.1.4
IFC 22.6.4

I’m trying to run my script but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything even though it said that it successfully ran…

There are no signs of error from the packages, but I do have a notification in my dynamo with the following message:

This diagram currently contains blocks that use the old IronPython2 engine (Python 2), which is no longer supported in newer versions. A new CPython3 (Python 3) has been implemented and can be called in the Python editor.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Is this based on the packages or something the user has to update something? I already installed the IronPython, it did reduced from 2 error notifications, to just 1 notification. But my dynamo graph is still not doing anything :smiling_face_with_tear:


So I installed DynamoIronPython 2.7 and the error message is now gone…
this lead me however to another error message

When loading the assembly IronPython.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7f709c5b713576e1, Dynamo detected that the dependency IronPython.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7f709c5b713576e1 is already loaded with an incompatible version. This assembly is probably loaded in another Revit add-on module. Uninstall other add-on modules and restart Dynamo. Dynamo may be unstable in this state.
The incompatible version was probably loaded for one of the following assemblies.
DSIronPython, PythonNodeModelsWpf, IronPython.Modules, IronPython.SQLite, IronPython.Wpf

On the package side, it seems to be fine:

Hi @larismanis ,

Newer versions of Dynamo only support CPython3 OOTB and as such you’ll have to download the DynamoIronPython2.7 Package to be able to use python code which have been written in IronPython2.7. (Which you did correctly already)

This brings us to the error message in your second post, if you read the error message carefully you’ll see that it already has a solution:

Try that and let me know if that solved the issue.

PS: This is my understanding of what is going on here but I’m not 100% sure, perhaps @jacob.small could verify my response.

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Verified. :slight_smile:

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Hi Daan,
thanks for the notice… I have done that as well, it was the first measure I did actually… I uninstalled and reinstalled the necessary packages I need to for my graph

Hi @larismanis ,

I actually meant other Revit add-ons, they may be conflicting. Uninstall those, restart your cpu and try to run the script again.

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