I am trying to place instances of the attached generic annotation family (Revit 2022).
I am using FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel, because I want the annotations to show up in floor plans.
But, consistently, dynamo crashes upon executing FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.
As a workaround, I tried using FamilyInstance.ByPoint. But then the families are not showing in the floorplans as I would like to.
I am finding out that it somehow has to do with the point input. I can succesfully use Level1 and Origin point as inputs. Also Level 1 and 2 points (the origin pt and translated origin pt) works. But when using my specific list of points (which are all in the same XY plane (i.e. Z=0) then the crash occurs.
Here is a little more detail insight into the different point inputs.
Any idea why the points coming from Curve.PointAtParameter might be failing?
Funnily enough, I am encountering some strange behaviour with modeling range errors. The yellow highlighted node seems to be popping on-and-off with the error. Maybe this is where the trouble comes from.
As noted on your other post, it would be very helpful if you would post this issue to github.
Apologies I don’t have time to test it, but I think this python would do what you want using Python… It grabs all the location of a particular placed family, but we could adjust the input to take the list of points you have, let me know if you need help with that?
Using Konrads code, with my points as input, resulted in the same crash.
Also, I have tried changing to the ‘large’ modeling range. This made the yellow error disappear, but still the same crash upon executing family placement.
By the way, I am very suspicious about the modeling range error. It seems Dynamo is confusing dots and commas? A value of 834.1654968654 should not be outside of the default modeling range, right? Same for -12034.2349283749374.
As a workaround, does anyone know how to make generic annotation families that are placed without ByLevel placement show up in floorplans? Creating the families with ByCoordinates and ByCoordinateSystem is working, but I dont see the instances in the model …
Thank you @Mark.Ackerley . I will check your solution later, moved on to work on something else for the moment.
The annotations are supposed to land at the locations marked in the image underneath. The blue preview Dynamo points are the ones that are causing me the trouble, they are coming from the Curve.PointAtParameter node.
Without having looked in detail, I can see from your image that the annotations have not landed where they should. They should be visible from the Level1 Floorplan. Hence my last few questions on workarounds how to make created annotations appear in a certain floorplan.
For that issue, I have tried a clockwork node Element.SetLevel but that returned success: False. So I am also still looking to find a proper workaround.
All in all, any more help is still very welcome! But thanks so far.
This is what I needed to know. I did not realize this.
I have now nested the annotation symbol inside a Generic Model family, so that it can be placed view-independently, but show up in any view (the way I want it).