Dynamo 2.0.1 returning null for all nodes

I’ve just installed dynamo 2.0.1 for Revit. Initially I installed packages i was using previously, but on every run of any graph Dynamo would return null for all nodes so I uninstalled all custom packages, restarted my computer but exactly the same error remains. For new graphs it may run for one or two new nodes put together but very quickly it would reach the point where it would no longer update the outputs of nodes and all new nodes would only return a null value. This has made Dynamo completely unusuable for me. Has anyone else had this or a similar issue?

Many thanks

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I don’t recall hearing of this - can you post your file and a screencast showing the point at which a graph goes all null?

Hi Jacob,

Never mind. I shut down yesterday evening, came back and started looking at it again this morning and things are basically working fine. I have no idea what was causing the error, a restart yesterday didn’t fix it but shutting down overnight has. Anyway, thanks for your help.

Sometimes even Revit/Dynamo needs a good nights sleep! :slight_smile:

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I have a similar problem. The only difference is that I’ve been using Dynamo 2.10.1 from the beginning. I tried both restarting my PC and shutting it down, and I still get the same thing. The points at which my graph goes null are changing every time I close and open Revit again. I had “Data.Remember” node working before and returning a value, it’s now returning “null”.
I tried opening the main file and I selected the model elements from it again for the “Data.Remember” node to work again, but apparently the graph is mainly going null at either “Select Model Elements” node or the node after which is “Element.Geometry”.

Please help! Thanks

I think this has something to do with the use of “ScopeIf” node and not with the “element.geometry” node, because when I opened the file and deleted this node, the data.remember node worked completely fine. So please forget the above reasoning! However, the reason I decided first to use the “Scopeif” node and not the “if” node, because the if node was not returning all elements in the list I have. Any recommendations as to how I fix the “ScopeIf” node issue? Many thanks


This code block should work:

indx = test ? 0 : 1 ;
valueSet = [ TrueList, FalseList ] [ indx ] ;

Thanks Jacob, I will try that!

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I had a similar issue. Scopif seemed to break the entire graph making nulls pop up everywhere. This code fixed it.


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