This might not he possible (But should be!!!) Trying to (re)Set drafting crop regions to tight in around elements in drafting view. The Python is intended for later introduction into PyRevit, so now everything is in one Python module.
Sometimes drafting views extents far exceed the actual contents.
(WARNING: Playing with the CropBoundary TRUE/FALSE is what “Blew out” the limits for the drafting views in the first place; hence the REVIT 22 source data attached : )
Sometimes like in this example there is “dead” space (RED FILL (5-7) Below)
Running the script doesn’t expand or contract the extent of the limits (RED DASHED LINES 1-4 above)
I wasn’t sure if min/max would take a “None” at the start - So the minPt and maxPt DEF() may not be needed.
The Limits of the bb crop are ‘stuck’ at (-100,-100,-100) and (100,100,100). Not sure but does the /BoundingBoxXYZ return the element or the view bounding???
(-100.000000000, -100.000000000, -100.000000000),
(100.000000000, 100.000000000, 100.000000000),
Detail Lines,
(-100.000000000, -100.000000000, -100.000000000),
(100.000000000, 100.000000000, 100.000000000)
PYTHON module:
import sys ##Standard system input
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilteredElementCollector
#import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# Drafting Views
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import BuiltInCategory, BuiltInParameter
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ViewFamilyType, ViewDrafting, Element
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ViewFamily
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, TransactionGroup, BoundingBoxXYZ
###Creates a Drafting View###
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, Element, ElementTransformUtils
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import BuiltInCategory, BuiltInParameter
# ViewFamilyTypes and Drafting views creation
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ViewFamilyType, ViewDrafting, Element
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ViewFamily
import System ##filterAnnot = System.Predicate <<Work on removing
from System.Collections.Generic import List ##Not same as type() = List <<Work on removing
import math ##For truncate to integer-RA
import re ##Regular expressions for 'natural' sort
from itertools import groupby
#from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FamilySymbol, FamilyInstance, XYZ, AnnotationSymbol
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
##Likely View Families for View Types REFERENCE
ViewTypeArray=["AreaPlan","CeilingPlan","CostReport","Detail","Drafting","Elevation","FloorPlan", "GraphicalColumnSchedule",
"Legend", "LoadsReport", "PanelSchedule", "PressureLossReport", "Schedule", "Section", "Sheet", "StructuralPlan",
"SystemsAnalysisReport", "ThreeDimensional","Walkthrough"
def GetDraftingViews():
DraftingViewsList = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ViewDrafting).ToElements()
##DraftingViewTemplates = [v.Id for v in DraftingViewsList if v.IsTemplate == True]
DraftingViewsList = [v for v in DraftingViewsList if v.IsTemplate == False]
return DraftingViewsList
def GetElementsInView(oView):
cats = doc.Settings.Categories ##
for cat in cats:
bic = System.Enum.ToObject(BuiltInCategory, cat.Id.IntegerValue)
filtered =FilteredElementCollector(doc,oView.Id).OfCategory(bic).ToElements()
if filtered:
return OUT
def CropViews (views):
##Transaction tools
tGroup = TransactionGroup(doc, 'Dynamo View Crop')
for DV in dviews:
trans1 = Transaction(doc, 'Crop View')
oView.CropBox = DV[1][55].BoundingBox(DV[0])
def MinPt(pt1,pt2): #############Return minimum of 2 points
if pt1==None:
return pt2
if pt1[0] < pt2[0] or pt1[1] < pt2[1] or pt1[2] < pt2 [2]:
return pt1
return pt2
##If one is null- return non-null
##IF any X or Y or Z is LESS than than pt1 X or Yor Z, return it
def MaxPt(pt1,pt2): #############Return max of 2 points
if pt1==None:
return pt2
if pt1[0] > pt2[0] or pt1[1] >pt2[1] or pt1[2] > pt2[2]:
return pt1
return pt2
##If one is null- return non-null
##IF any X or Y or Z is LESS than than pt1 X or Yor Z, return it
##If one is null- return non-null
##IF any X or Y or Z is GREATER than than pt1 X or Yor Z, return it
def Main():
DraftingViews = GetDraftingViews() ##Get drafting views
dviews=[] ##Drafting Views lits
aMin=None ##minimum point
aMax=None ##Maximum point
done=[] ##Successful
failed=[] ##Failed
for DV in GetDraftingViews(): ##Cycke through drafting views
dviews.append([DV, GetElementsInView(DV)]) ##dviews DOUBL of Drafting view [elements in view]
tgr=TransactionGroup(doc, 'TGR:DynamoSetDraftCrop') ##Transaction group start name
tgr.Start() ##Start transaction overall wrapper name
for DV in dviews: ##Pair of [[view][list of elements]]
oView=None #Clear just in case
oView=DV[0] ##Object View - drafting view
elements=None ##clear elements just in case
elements=DV[1] ##Elements portion of DV DOUBLE
tgrtra.Start() ##Start transactiongroup within transaction
oView.CropBoxActive= False ##Turn off crop box
oView.CropBoxVisible = False ##Turn off visibility
for ele in elements: ##Elements list as 2nd double in list
# return dir(ele) ##<<DEBUG CHECK FOR ELE TYPES
try: ##TRY Set bounding box
bb=None ##Set boundign box to none
bb=BoundingBoxXYZ(ele) ##MIN MAX bounding- all these are the same
##- is bounding ov vioew already In Lieu Of element?
aMin=MinPt(aMin,bb.Min) ##Check MIN point and set
aMax=MaxPt(aMax,bb.Max) ##check MAX point and set
#return bb.Min
#aMin=min(aMin,bb.Min) ##MIN/MAX VIA Direct compare - even if aMin or aMax is nothing?
#aMax=max(aMax,bb.Max) ##MIN/MAX VIA Direct compare - even if aMin or aMax is nothing?
done.append([ele.Name,bb,aMin,aMax]) ##Append no-error element name, Bound box, min and max
except: ##ON FAIL
# return type(ele),done ##DEBUG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
failed.append(ele.Name) ##Append to FAIL for element
continue ##CONTINUE with next element
bb.Min=aMin ##Set min pt = min found
bb.Max=aMax ##Sect max pt = max found
#bb.Min = XYZ(-1/12,-1/12,-1/12) ##aMin test to override - DOES NOTHING<<<DEBUG
#bb.Max = XYZ(2/12,2/12,2/12) ###aMAX test to override - DOES NOTHING<<<DEBUG
oView.CropBox=bb ##????<<<<CROP VIEW to BB??????
oView.CropBoxActive= True ##Set crop active HAS AN EFFECT
oView.CropBoxVisible = True ##Set visible- has no effect.
tgrtra.Commit() ##Commit group transaction for current view : )
return aMin,aMax,done,failed ##RETURN FROM MAIN TO OUT BELOW...
##Run Main
OUT= Main () ##anElement.getBoundingBox(DV[0]).Min ##anElement.getBoundingBox(oView)
DYN Attached.
Views-Drafting-Reset-Unseen-Crop-0-60.dyn (11.7 KB)
TEST DATA REVIT attached (WARNING: Testing on actual files can “Blow out” the limits of the rafting views):
004-Test-Drafting_view_clipping.rvt (864 KB)