Divide points equally on surface?

How can I divide points equally on a surface. first row and column in x and y direction are smaller when I use List.DropEveryNthItem node. I want to divide points equally between 1000x1000 grids of points.
Can someone give me an idea to resolve this issue?

I’m confused, if you want it all to be equal why are you using " List.DropEveryNthItem" ?

Also, what are the points of the nodes I’ve crossed out?

Here is one way to start looking at this problem :slight_smile: Note that it’s for an “ideal” scenario of an equal rectangle (Square), but should get you starting to think about how to achieve the result you are after.


  1. Create a mock-up of your data (Shown in the pink group)
  2. From that spread of points across a surface, drop every 5th item (Resulting in 4x columns of points)
  3. From that set of columns, transpose (Rotate) the data, so that we can do the same thing again (Resulting in 4x columns and 4x rows of points)
  4. Drop the borders, transpose, and drop the borders again.

Aan_SpacingPointsOnSurfacesAndDeletingRowsColumns.dyn (23.8 KB)


It looks like your initial division of 4000 / 200 is using the space between panels for the divisor. What I think you want to use is the width of a panel set, and then round the value up to the next whole number. 4000/200*4, then round that up to the next whole number with a Math.Ceiling node so you never ‘stop short’. Let’s call this n.

The value of n is the count is how many panel sets you’ll want, but we need the spacing between pints so the next step is to multiply it by the number of points per panel set, which is five, so n*5 is the number of points you need to ensure you have a full set of XY values on the U and V axis.

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Hi everyone,
Thank you very much for your reply. Sorry for late reply from my side. was off for 2 days.
I have tried one temporary solution for dividing panels within one big panel. I am calling it temporary because it is still not perfect for different point spacing. I could reach only here with my short dynamo knowledge. please see snapshot below.

Hello, your divisors do not give integer values
(you need to round, you need integers in the 1st code block)
