Hello Everyone,
I have quick question regarding the directshape node in dynamo which create a revit element, i am facing an issue that it shows traingle meshes in revit for some elements as the picture below, any idea why is this happen ?
Your help is appreciated.
are you creating one geometry or multiple ?
Multiple geometries as you see in the shared picture the was two masses
yes i see, i suggest to make each mass as a one geometry , using Solid,ByUnion node, i think it will be fine
Oh sorry i understood your question wrongly yes each mass one geometry, but still showing the same issue
I think that is not possible related to the below topic
Thanks for the very helpful reply. I had found Dimitar’s DirectShape node. My question was more of why DirectShape would have an option to create meshes from smooth BREPs in the first place. When we look at geometry, either in drawings or the model proper I can’t think of a single instance when I would want a mesh representation of a curved object. It is just not acceptable graphically. Especially since we don’t have a way to smooth the display of edges in Revit. Now if I want to use a m…
if there is any update regarding the same please share it
January 20, 2020, 1:50am
@Mohammad_Nawar have you tried springs custom nodes for directshape massing? If you haven’t tried yet try it you will see the difference.
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Thanks @Kulkul i will give it a try