Dimension to sloped elements but by reference point

Hello everyone,

I am trying to create linear dimensions for elements by points. I initially attempted to use auto-dimension, I tried using the ‘Dimension.ByReference’ Node, which dimensioned by referencing the left/right planes, leading to incorrect dimension values.

The attached image shows the red-colored dimensions created by the script and the green-colored dimensions, which are the expected correct dimensions.

Is there a solution to dimension points to points without using reference planes? Alternatively, can we dimension it by referencing points directly?
@staylor @sovitek @solamour

Thank you for your help.

Hi @pranavnagure2k17 probably element point reference could work…depends which element kind you will dimension…


I have always recommended to use the reference planes and never tried using point references. But what @sovitek is showing, should work for what you are after.

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Yeah Samuel, im agree its seem more stable…but any way in my exemple [columns] in section… you will need set your slanted colum style as angle driven, so if it with endpoint driven, you can set you parameter to angle driven and set the parameter back after dimension…it works for me…

I tried using above mentioned node but it won’t work. In my case element is specialty equipment point based family. Thank you for your prompt attention

do you have a small rvt you could share and we can take a look

dynamo Query.rvt (2.3 MB)
Refer level 1 Plan for reference

Hi @pranavnagure2k17 not sure, something here maybe…


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Thank you @sovitek I tried above script previously but found below result.Is there way to dimension linearly to point reference of origin?

do you mean as here ?

Yes same dimension I found using above script. Kindly send your dyn file of script I will try from my side

Give this a try. It creates a reference plane from each elements location point based on the Y axis and gets the reference from each plane. Then uses those references for dimensioning.

Dim Angled Elements.dyn (32.4 KB)


Thank you @staylor for script but creating reference plane will affect our workflow. See below attached Snap I have added Model lines in Family is it possible to dimension intersection point of dimension?

arrh now i guess what you want, maybe :wink: in that case i can only get it to work with d lines for now…could probably help


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  1. Actually I want to dimension Model line intersection point present in family.
  2. Dimension should not create detail line as it is not adhering to standards.
  3. Dimension should be Linear parallel to x,y,z vector.
  4. I just want point to point dimension without with linear dimension.

not sure, isnt it what i show in first screenshot ?

Yes I want same script kindly share dyn file of that.

I am trying in Revit 2022

dont have it anymore, but what you show in the image should work i guess, why not just follow the image ??

I tried previously but didnt worked kindly share script I will try it again! It will be much helpful.

Hi as mention i dont have it anymore, so guess best you show us where its fail in dynamo and we can try help, rather then we do it for you and its only 8 nodes :wink: :wink: